Colby RSA
Unlocked by: Harmon Benjamin (Criminal), Darryl Kent (Enforcer)
Price: $4,126
Magazine size: 6
Spare ammo: 24
Bullets per kill: 3
Damage dropoff start: 70m
.44 magnum revolver with incredible accuracy, long equip time and small magazine.

"TITAN" - Hunting Sight 1, $10,050

"Hunter" - High Magnification Scope, Armas Marketplace
An RSA with High Magnification Scope and a custom zebra skin. Cannot be skinned.
Colby Commander - Piercing, Available as a rare prize from Joker Mystery Box 7
JMB version of the RSA with an exclusive model/sound and an unique mod.

The RSA is less forgiving than the ACT due to the lower fire rate and high recoil, but compensates with great accuracy at range and okayish accuracy up close. It's a great alternative to the ACT as it's far more reliable when it comes to landing long-distance shots, but it isn't quite as all-around as the slow fire rate makes it hard to counter mid-range targets.

-Using this with a sniper will make people rage thanks to quickswitching, more info in the N-HVR section.
-This pistol can actually be very competitive against mid-long range rifles thanks to high accuracy and damage, provided you have sufficient cover and a steady hand. It also got pretty good hipfire accuracy, but don't rely on it when in close range as it has terribly long TTK even when landing all bullets..
-Equip time on the RSA is a full second. Time your switches accordingly so that you already have your pistol out when you need it. Do not try to switch to finish off an opponent unless you're already behind cover.

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