HP: 1150
Max speed: 72.72 km/h
Acceleration: Good
Grip: Average
Weight: Medium
Drive: FWD
Seats: 2
Cargo Size: 15
A 2 door small van. A blast from the past from when the game was under Realtime Worlds.
This was the old starter vehicle, and it surely got a overhaul between game versions - just like it was slow and forgettable, it's now very fun to drive and has overall good stats for a van - with enough cargo to carry three items and enough speed to move them around quickly. There are usually better cars to hijack on the road, but this one isn't a bad choice.

NOTE: This car has a small siren that while not producing any sound can still be turned on and off with RMB.

  • Fast and nimble; surprisingly fun to drive
  • Good all-around stats
  • Good cargo size
  • Cannot be owned by players

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