Unlocked by: Byron Bloodrose (Criminal), Grissom (Enforcer)
Price: $3,750
Magazine size: 30
Spare ammo: 150
Bullets per kill: 13
Damage dropoff start: 30m
Terribly generic machine pistol with nothing special about it. Gets the job done.

"Falcon" - Improved Rifling 1, $9,450

This is a very controllable secondary auto pistol which can be useful as backup when using long-range rifles. It requires quite a good amount of bullets to kill, so don't try to fight the enemy in the open unless you're confident in your aim or your opponent is tagged - always keep some cover ready for the inevitable reload.

-Quick switching + full auto = best weapon to rely on if you suddenly run out of ammo in a close-range situation and do not have time to reload. Some people use this gun as their secondary when running around with SMGs, not caring about long range at all.

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