It's free to play online game and can be downloaded at Gamers First website or through Steam. This retail package comes with an installation disc, which is the same as the online download. It also comes with a user manual & poster and a code for the Armas Marketplace. This is the code you want, it's on a sticker on the inside of the case. With this code, you get:

-Ophelia Customs Cisco car, non-customizable. Comes with armor platting iii, nitro iii, and mobile supply unit.
-Permanent Magnum "Last Stand" secondary gun
-30 days of Premium (more XP, rewards, reputation, quicker cooldowns, 20% off Armas Marketplace)
-500 G1 credits (Armas Marketplace money)
-The choice of one of these four permanent weapons: HVR Scout with CJ3, Whisper with MP3, Ntec with EM3 or CSG With MP3. For this, it depends on your play style because they're all pretty good. If you're not sure, you can try out each of these for free in-game.

All of the above is worth way more if you paid for it in the Armas Marketplace with real cash so it's completely worth it. I'm a huge fan of this game and I really enjoy the printed art on the manual and the poster, as well. This isn't a pay to win game by any means: If you suck, you're still going to suck with good weapons.

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