HP: 900
Max speed: 70.2 km/h
Acceleration: Best
Grip: Great
Weight: Light
Drive: 4WD
Seats: 2
Cargo Size: 4
Spawn cost: $100
Faction: Criminal
Mix between a Swift and a Mini. Rocket on wheels with low max speed.
Unlocked by:
Charge Mikro (0-slot): Lilith Bloodrose, LV4, $40,000
Charge Mikro Mark II (1-slot): Jeung Bloodrose, LV4, $80,000
Charge Mikro Mark III (2-slot): Michael Simeone, LV6, $200,000
Charge Mikro Mark IV (3-slot): Birth, LV17, $400,000
Charge Mikro Mark V (4-slot): Currently unavailable
"Newbie" Mikro (Preset version obtainable from both factions at Joker Distribution): Available from the beginning, $9,000, JT2,000

This little gal reaches its max speed in an instant (which isn't that hard - it's one of the slowest ownable cars in the game, second only to the Calabria!), and then makes it very hard for its driver to lose it, thanks to the incredible grip, tight turn radius and rocket torque. It's made of tinfoil, of course, but the small size makes it very easy to dodge anything the opponent throws at you, not to mention that it's easy to drive inside buildings and up stairs so that you can have an ammo supply or spawn point ready at all times.
It comes with one noticeable downside, though: the incredibly small cargo not only is not big enough for a big item, but won't allow you to put anything in the trunk if you decide to have Mobile Supply Unit, meaning that it will be useless in any mission where any item bigger than a smartcard is involved. At any rate, an incredibly fun car to drive.

  • Best acceleration in game
  • Easy and fun to drive
  • Small size: can easily dodge rockets and gunfire
  • Great reverse acceleration/speed
  • Hard to flip: will almost always right itself

  • Made of tinfoil
  • Low max speed
  • Light as a feather
  • Incredibly small cargo space (cannot hold Mobile Supply Unit and a medium item at the same time)

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A Special Thanks To Maya Software Renderer For The Info